Services Offered:
- Industrial / incident photography
Although photography, particularly when one speaks of amateur photography, is considered to be a leisure pastime it fulfils a very important function in the holistic activities of the company.Photography fulfils the following two functions here:
- Photographs are used extensively in completing the investigative process of industrial incidents and completing the story in environmental impact assessments. The methods surrounding composition of the photographs as well as the photographic principles differ to those used in leisure photography and very often the conditions under which the photograph has to be taken are extremely difficult. Client confidentiality precludes the general publication of examples of these photographs here.
- Leisure photography provides an escape from the hustle and bustle of the work environment. Particular emphasis here is on action related and wildlife photography as they are both governed by similar photographic principles. There are not very many opportunities to get the perfect shot. Attached is a selection of some of Tony's photographs.
Tony is currently noted as a 3-star worker with a number of National photography acceptances as well as a number of salon acceptances.
Note that all images displayed below are copyrighted to Tony Hearn